Defi Option Vault Withdrawal

Defi Option Vault User Guide

How to Withdraw from an Defi Option Vault (DOV)

There are two options for withdrawal.

  1. Instant Withdrawal

  2. Standard Withdrawal

Instant Withdrawal

Instant withdrawals are only available for funds that have been deposited but not yet deployed in the Defi Option Vault. Because these funds haven't been deployed they can be withdrawn immediately.

Deployment happens on a weekly basis every Friday 8AM UTC.

1. Input the amount you want to redeem and click on Instant Withdraw.

2. Confirm the transaction in your wallet

Standard Withdrawal

Standard withdrawals are for funds that have been deployed in the vault's weekly strategy and involve a 2-step withdrawal process:

Step 1: User submits the amount to be withdrawn

Step 2: After the investment expires, the actual withdrawal will be completed, and the withdrawal amount includes the income.

1. Input the amount you want to redeem and click on Initiate Withdrawal.

2. Confirm the transaction in your wallet

Once a cycle concludes the withdrawn amount will be transfered to your wallet

Last updated