Option Token Symbol System

Antimatter uses a standardized systematic way to represent the option product, call token, and the put token.

General AntiMatter Option Product Notation

An AntiMatter Option product has three variables to consider:

  • Asset

  • Price Floor

  • Price Ceiling

Notation is as follows: ASSET(Price Floor $ Price Ceiling)

The ETH OPTION ranging from $1000 to $3000 will be represented as ETH(1000$3000)

Call Option Token Notation

A Call option token has three variables to consider:

  • Call (+) symbol

  • Asset

  • Price Floor

Notation for a Call token is as follows: + ASSET($ Price Floor)

The ETH call option with the price floor $1000 will be represented as + ETH($1000)

Put Option Token Notation

A Put option token has three variables to consider:

  • Put ( - ) Symbol

  • Asset

  • Price Ceiling

Notation for a put token is as follows: - ASSET($ Price Ceiling)

The ETH put option with the price ceiling of $3000 will be represented as -ETH($3000)

Last updated