Leverage Ratio

In general, leverage is described under two frames.

The first one is inherent, which based exclusively on CCand FF. The current version(R3) is defined under the condition that C2FC\leq 2F, resulting in that the leverage is moderate and the price of both tokens will remain in the the interval [0,CF][0,C-F]. The rate of change of token prices will be medium as price of ETH changes. Future versions will include 4FC2F4F \geq C \geq 2F(R4) and C4FC\geq 4F(R5). In these cases, the price of call token will exceed CFC-F, meaning that when price spikes, one can make more money if he holds a call token. If the price of ETH dips, the call token price will drop in the same fashion. In the extreme case, there might be negative prices, which can be seen either as an anomaly or a perfect change to generate a token.

The dynamic leverage is related to the extend that the price differs from the strike price. If ccis close to FF, the call token has very high leverage. If ccis close to CC, the put token has very high leverage. There are two expressions(for call and put respectively) eExzx,eEyzye\cdot\frac{E_x}{z_x},e\cdot\frac{E_y}{z_y} measuring how much the option value changes corresponding to underlying value changes.

Putting two frames together, supposing that F=1000,C=5000,c=1100F=1000,C=5000,c=1100, call token is highly leveraged.

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